Assessing moisture in building materials. 3 part setPDF DOWNLOAD
BRE Electronic Publications
C Stirling
Subject / Keyword
Good Repair Guide 33, GRG33, condensation, water vapour, damp, water penetration, rising damp, moisture penetration, monitoring, moisture content, measuring
Published Date
Moisture can enter buildings for many reasons and the resultant damage to materials and components is well documented. There is much published guidance on the identification and possible remedies for moisture defects. The objective of these Good Repair Guides is to provide building professionals with examples of analytical techniques which could be used to supplement visual information in the identification of moisture problems. The number of techniques is large so only a limited number can be reviewed. Part 1 summarises the sources of moisture in building fabric and gives advice on analysing the possible causes. Part 2 discusses a range of techniques available for measuring moisture content in building materials and Part 3 gives advice on how to interpret the data from moisture and environmental data. 6 pages each part. Good Repair Guide 5 'Diagnosing the causes of dampness' covers the subject more briefly.
Assessing moisture in building materials. 3 part setPDF DOWNLOAD
List Price £ 22.50